
Danielle Dantas is a luso-brazilian designer born in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Since she was young, she has always been passionate about art and design, this passion led her to seek a career in this area.

Since the conclusion of her graduation in Industrial Design with an emphasis in Visual Programming and Product Design at Centro Universitário da Cidade (UniverCidade), she studied Web Design and gained experience in publicity around the world. As a freelancer, she worked with renowned companies and institutions such as Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil (CCBB), Teatro Laura Alvim (Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro) and Consulting and Training company Mit-Marktec (Luanda - Angola), to name a few.

Determined to expand her knowledge in the design area, she returned to the classroom to graduate in Interior Design at Senac where she won a Design Competition with her "Hanuka Multifunctional Furniture" in 2016 and the following year she had the honor of presenting it at the New Brazilian Talents Exhibition - Design and Art, at Morar Mais Por Menos.

At the moment, she works as a Graphic Designer at WoMakersCode, is part of the largest technology community formed by women in Latin America and the first collective of women in technology to be part of the UN's Global Pact. Also, she carries out voluntary work as Vice-Leader of BSGI, an organization associated with the UN based on Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism, is committed to contributing to the promotion of world peace through education and human development.

Her interest for quick problem solutions and endless creativity were the qualities that drove her love for the world of Design in the first place.


  • All
  • UX/UI
  • Visual Identity
  • Advertisement
  • Illustration
  • Web Design
  • Product
  • Interiors

Hanuka Multipurpose Furniture


Advertisement for the CCBB Exhibitions


Agenda Saúde Application and Responsive Website


Visual Identity of Mit-Marktec Consultoria e Treinamento

Visual Identity

Delicake Responsive Website


Visual Identity of ASA

Visual Identity

Pérola Cervejaria Application


Visual Identity of Prorto Tec

Visual Identity

Checkout Wireframe


Advertisement for the Play Loucura


Adote um Neto Application


Visual Identity of Seminário de Networking - Parceria Positiva

Visual Identity

Workflow and Wireframe


Advertisement for the Play História pra Contar - A Menina Tistu


Prorto Tec Application


Elephant Dream and Evolution of a Frenchie Illustrations


Brochures of Osteria Policarpo


Visual Identity of Carioca Tour

Visual Identity

Visual Identity of Adega Pérola

Visual Identity

Website of Prorto Tec

Web Design

Visual Identity of Nós de Linha

Visual Identity

French Kiss e Bullterrier Mexican Skull Illustrations


Brochures of Giuseppe Grill


Lucid Sweet e Ganesha Illustrations


Website of ABROP

Web Design

Organizational Furniture for Residential Bathroom


Old House's Electronic Mockup - Confraria do Chorinho and Loft


Residential Kitchen's Electronic Mockup and Project Pictures




+55 21 99674-5904